*A portion of this video is without audio* CALL TO ORDER The Planning & Zoning Commission will open their Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Senator Florence Shapiro Council Chambers and may convene into Executive Session to discuss posted items in the regular meeting as followed by law. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS OF PUBLIC INTEREST This portion of the meeting is to allow up to five (5) minutes per speaker with thirty (30) total minutes on items of interest or concern and not on items that are on the current agenda. The Planning & Zoning Commission may not discuss these items, but may respond with factual or policy information. The Planning & Zoning Commission may choose to place the item on a future agenda. The presiding officer may modify these times as deemed necessary. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda will be acted upon in one motion and contains items which are routine and typically noncontroversial. Items may be removed from this agenda for individual consideration by commissioners, staff, or any citizen. Citizens are limited to two (2) items and discussion time of three (3) minutes each. The presiding officer may modify these times as deemed necessary. a. Approval of Minutes: December 6, 2021 b. Final Plat: Northbrook Place, Block A, Lots 1-11 & Block B, Lots 1-6 - 17 Single-Family Residence-6 lots on 3.8 acres located on the east side of Robinson Road, 170 feet south of Pine Brook Drive. Zoned Single-Family Residence-6. Project #FP2021-019. Applicant: Northbrook-Plano, LLC c. Final Plat: Saleem Dwelling, Block A, Lot 1 - One Estate Development lot on 2.9 acres located on the south side of Ridgetop Lane, 1,581 feet east of San Gabriel Drive. Zoned Planned Development-173-Estate Development. Project #FP2021-020. Applicant: Tatiana Sholakh
Public Hearing - Preliminary Replat & Revised Site Plan: St. Andrew Addition, Block 1, Lot 2R - Religious facility on one lot on 21.2 acres located at the northwest corner of Plano Parkway and Mira Vista Boulevard. Zoned Planned Development-52-Single-Family Residence-7. Projects #PR2021-033 and #RSP2021-050. Tabled December 6, 2021. Applicant: St. Andrews United Methodist Church (Administrative consideration)
Public Hearing - Replat: Dallas North Industrial District Section Four, Block A, Lot 2R - Professional/general administrative office on one lot on 2.4 acres located on the south side of Summit Avenue, 364 feet east of K Avenue. Zoned Light Industrial-1 and located within the 190 Tollway/Plano Parkway Overlay District. Project #R2021-029. Applicant: Lake- Morgan-Plano No. 1, LP (Administrative consideration)
Public Hearing - Replat & Revised Site Plans: Stadium Pump Station Addition, Block 1, Lots 1R & 2R - Transportation and utility structures/facilities on Lot 1R and fire station on Lot 2R on 9.6 acres located at the southwest corner of Seabrook Drive and Alma Drive. Zoned Single-Family Residence-7. Projects #R2021-034, #RSP2021-046, and #RSP2021- 047. Applicant: City of Plano (Administrative consideration)
Public Hearing - Revised Preliminary Replat: Legacy Town Center (North), Block C, Lots 2R & 6R - Professional/general administrative office on two lots on 7.4 acres located at the northwest corner of Bishop Road and Legacy Circle. Zoned Planned Development- 65-Central Business District-1 and located within the Dallas North Tollway Overlay District. Project #RPR2021-004. Applicant: TR Legacy Town Center, LLC (Administrative consideration)
Request to Call a Public Hearing: Planned Development-64-Central Business-1-Request to call a public hearing to amend Planned Development-64-Central Business-1 on 137.3 acres located at the southwest corner of State Highway 121 and the Dallas North Tollway. Project #CPH2021-007. Applicant: Columbus Realty Partners, Ltd. ADJOURN