The Power of Social Procurement: Creating Extra Business Value

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Social procurement is an emerging trend that has the potential to drive real, meaningful change in businesses and the way they source goods and services.

It’s a process that involves considering social and environmental factors when developing and implementing procurement policies, and it has the potential to create additional value for businesses.

What is Social Procurement?

Social procurement is a process that focuses on using procurement activities to deliver social and economic outcomes beyond the traditional purchasing of goods and services. It involves creating and implementing procurement policies that consider social and environmental factors, such as supplier diversity, working conditions, and environmental sustainability.

The goal of social procurement is to drive positive outcomes for the community and the environment, while at the same time, creating new opportunities for businesses to add value to their operations.

The concept of social procurement is based on the idea that businesses have a responsibility to use their purchasing power in a way that benefits society and the environment. This includes considering the economic, social and environmental impacts of their procurement activities, as well as the impact of the products and services they purchase.

Benefits of Social Procurement

Social procurement can create additional value for businesses. By leveraging its purchasing power, a business can use social procurement to create new opportunities and drive positive outcomes.

Social procurement can also help businesses build relationships with suppliers and vendors that are committed to ethical practices and sustainability. This can help to reduce the risk of being associated with unethical or unsustainable practices, and it can help to build trust with customers and other stakeholders.

Social procurement can also help businesses to access new markets and new sources of competitive advantage. By engaging with suppliers that are committed to ethical and sustainable practices, businesses can tap into new markets and gain an edge over their competitors.

Finally, social procurement can help businesses to reduce their environmental footprint. By engaging with suppliers that use sustainable practices, businesses can reduce their use of resources and reduce their environmental impact.

Examples of Social Procurement

One of the most common examples of social procurement is supplier diversity. This involves ensuring that a range of suppliers are included in the procurement process , including those from disadvantaged and underrepresented backgrounds. This can help businesses to create new opportunities for traditionally disadvantaged groups, while at the same time, creating new opportunities for themselves.

Another example of social procurement is the use of green procurement. This involves sourcing products and services that are produced in an environmentally sustainable manner. This can include products and services that are produced using renewable energy, or those that are made using materials that are sourced from sustainable sources.

Social procurement is also about ethical procurement -- sourcing products and services produced in accordance with ethical standards such as fair labor standards.

Steps to Implementing Social Procurement

Implementing social procurement can be a complex process, but there are a few key steps that businesses can take to ensure a successful implementation.

The first step is to develop an understanding of the social and environmental impacts of the products and services being procured. This involves researching the suppliers and vendors that are being considered and assessing the social and environmental impacts of their operations. This can help to ensure that businesses are sourcing products and services that are produced in an ethical and sustainable manner.

The next step is to develop a set of procurement policies that consider the social and environmental impacts of the products and services being procured. This involves creating policies that focus on supplier diversity, green procurement , and ethical procurement.

The final step is to ensure that the procurement policies are being implemented effectively. This involves monitoring the procurement process to ensure that it is being carried out in accordance with the policies. This can help to ensure that the social and environmental impacts of the products and services being procured are being considered.

The Impact of Social Procurement on Businesses

Social procurement has the potential to create real, meaningful change in businesses and the way they source goods and services. It can create additional value for businesses, as well as helping them build relationships with suppliers and vendors committed to ethical and sustainable practices.

Social procurement can also help businesses to access new markets and create new sources of competitive advantage. By engaging with suppliers that are committed to ethical and sustainable practices, businesses can tap into new markets and gain an edge over their competitors.

Finally, social procurement can help businesses to reduce their environmental footprint and create a more sustainable future. By engaging with suppliers that use sustainable practices, businesses can reduce their use of resources and reduce their environmental impact.

Social Procurement Strategies

Once a business has developed and implemented its social procurement policies, it’s important to ensure that these policies are being implemented effectively. This involves developing and implementing strategies that focus on the social and environmental impacts of the products and services being procured.

The first strategy is to ensure that suppliers and vendors are being assessed on their social and environmental performance. This involves assessing them on their commitment to ethical and sustainable practices, as well as their ability to meet the requirements of the social procurement policies.

The second strategy is to ensure that procurement is being carried out in accordance with the social procurement policies.

The third strategy is to ensure that the suppliers and vendors are being held accountable for their performance and ensuring they are meeting commitments to ethical and sustainable practices.

Social Procurement Metrics for Businesses

Once a business has developed and implemented its social procurement policies, it’s important to measure the impact of these on the business.

This involves developing and implementing metrics to track the performance of the social procurement policies.

The first metric is the number of suppliers and vendors being included in the procurement process. This can help to measure the success of the supplier diversity policies, as well as the success of the green and ethical procurement policies.

The second metric is the number of products and services being sourced in an ethical and sustainable manner. This metric can help to measure the success of the green and ethical procurement policies, as well as the success of the supplier diversity policies.

The third metric is the number of suppliers and vendors meeting their commitments to ethical and sustainable practices. This will help measure the success of the supplier diversity policies, as well as the success of the green and ethical procurement policies.


Social procurement has the potential to drive real, meaningful change in businesses and the way they source goods and services. It’s a process that involves considering social and environmental factors when developing and implementing procurement policies, and it has the potential to create additional value for businesses.

By leveraging its purchasing power, a business can use social procurement to create new opportunities and drive positive outcomes. It can help businesses to build relationships with suppliers and vendors that are committed to ethical practices and sustainability, access new markets and new sources of competitive advantage, and reduce their environmental footprint.

Implementing social procurement can be a complex process, but with the right tools and resources, businesses can ensure that their procurement policies are being implemented effectively and creating value for their operations.