B.S. Mechanical Engineering

Career information is not specific to degree level. Some career options may require an advanced degree.

Current Job Openings and Salary Range


in ID, WA, OR, MT and HI




Career Options

Regional Employment Trends

Employment trends and projected job growth in ID, WA, OR, MT & HI

*Job data is collected from national, state and private sources.
For more information, visit EMSI's data sources page.


Degree Prep

The B.S. Mechanical Engineering degree requires a solid background in math and science, including high school courses in algebra, calculus, physics, chemistry and experience in hands-on laboratory work.

Degree Roadmap

Current Mechanical Engineering course catalog
Catalogs are released each year with up-to-date course listings. Students reference the catalog released during their first year of enrollment. For catalog related questions, email registrar@uidaho.edu or call 208-885-6731.

Engineering sciences, physical sciences, mathematics (calculus), communications, humanities and social sciences are the basis for our curriculum. Computer applications are emphasized in course work.

Students are encouraged to develop individual interests through the selection of technical electives.

Students complete their study through our nationally recognized Senior Capstone Design Program culminating each spring with the Engineering Design EXPO.

Degree Requirements

Required course work includes the Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E) requirements, the university requirements (see regulation J-3), and completion of the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination.

Professional Licensing

Completion of the program will count towards eligibility for the Professional Engineer's License (PE) to practice Engineering, which requires a four-year degree from an ABET-accredited school, four years of experience under a PE, and passing the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) and Principles of Practice in Engineering (PE) Exams.


First-Year undergraduates — Our professional advisors in the Micron Student Center can help you learn more about degree options, select a major, Identify required and elective courses and build a plan toward graduation.

Faculty Advisor Transition Process — Undergraduates transition to a faculty advisor specific to their degree area at different times in their academic career depending on their major. View details on this process.

If you have any questions about who your advisor is, please email University Advising Services or call 208-885-6300.

Transfer Students — If you have 13 or less transfer credits please email Student Services or call 208-885-6470. If you have more than 13 credits please contact the department you're transferring into.



Browse all need- and merit-based scholarships or contact our Student Services team to get all your scholarship questions answered.

Paid Employment Related to Your Major

Internships & Summer Programs

Financial Aid

For financial aid deadlines and eligibility requirements, visit the University of Idaho Financial Aid Office.

Get Involved

Hands-On Learning

ALL U of I College of Engineering students, especially undergraduates, participate in hands-on activities through:

Clubs & Organizations

Our college offers 20+ clubs and organizations tied to international and national engineering organizations, including national competition teams.

Learn about clubs related to your major: