Formatting and presenting assessments

Formatting and presenting your assessments correctly is important because many include marks for presentation.

This may include marks for things such as:

Before you start on your assessment:

Please note that assessments for psychology courses have specific requirements for formatting and presentation. Refer to the information and guidance provided on our Library and Learning Centre website:

General guidelines for electronic submissions

File type






Title page

Most assessments need a title page, which should include:

Centre this information on the page, starting approximately one-third of the way down the page.


For more help with figures and tables, check:

Headers and footers

Insert a header or footer on each page (except the title page). It should contain:

Reference list

The reference list comes at the end of the assessment and should start on a new page labelled 'References'.

Need more help with reference lists? Check out the guides below:

Guide to APA referencing (PDF 395.11 KB; opens in a new window)


Appendices are used for information that:

Start each appendix (if applicable) on a new page. If there's just one appendix label it ‘Appendix’ without a number. If there is more than one, label them Appendix A, Appendix B, and so on.

In the main text of your assessment, refer to the Appendix by the label – for example, Appendix A.

Tops and bottoms of pages

Check the top and bottom of your pages to ensure they avoid:

General guidelines for hard copies

Most of the guidelines above also apply to hard copies (printed or handwritten documents).

If your course requires or allows handwritten assessments, be sure to follow the course instructions on presenting handwritten assessments.

Word limits and word count guidelines

Word limits support the development of concise writing skills. Word count guidelines help you to understand the expectation of workload for an assessment.

For more detailed information about these go to:

Got a question?

If you want to talk with someone about formatting and presenting your assessments, contact The Library and Learning Centre | Te Whare Pukapuka Wāhanga Whakapakari Ako.