How to Buy Cookies

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Girl Scout Cookies®

The future is sweet.

Girl Scout Cookies are more than delicious treats; they’re entrepreneurial juggernauts and building blocks for Girl Scouts to create a more equitable future for themselves and the world. The proceeds from each purchase stay local and fund their ambitions, like camping trips and sleepovers at museums. But it doesn’t stop there—cookies open a world of possibilities anywhere from the White House to the moon! Don’t miss out on sweet updates about new products and on-sale dates! Enter your email address today or text “Cookies” to 59618 to get the latest Girl Scout Cookie news.

When you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you help young entrepreneurs develop five essential life skills.

Skill #1: Goal Setting
Girl Scouts learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them, enabling amazing experiences for themselves and their troops all year long, while helping others too.

Skill #2: Decision Making
Girl Scouts learn to make decisions on their own and as a team, whether it's how to run and promote their cookie sale, interact with customers, or spend their earnings.

Skill #3: Money Management
Girl Scouts learn to expand their money smarts while running their own cookie business and create a budget to fund the experiences they want to share as a troop.

Skill #4: People Skills
Girl Scouts find their voice and build confidence through customer interactions, developing valuable skills that will help them succeed in school, in business, and in life.

Skill #5: Business Ethics
Girl Scouts learn to act ethically—lessons that will stay with them for a lifetime of leadership and success.

Girl Scouts put their cookie earnings to good use.

All of the net revenue raised through the Girl Scout Cookie Program—100 percent of it—stays with the local council and troops. Troops may use the money earned to fund a project that will improve their community or donate the money to a worthy cause.