Using @page

Note: If you are referencing an HTML header/footer, you must add the prefix html_ before the name.

About CSS Paged Media

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The dimensions set when calling a new \Mpdf\Mpdf() set the Sheet size.

The Page-box size is assumed to be the same as the sheet size by default.

The page-box margins are therefore by default the left/right/top and bottom margins.

NB Page-box margins are INSIDE the page-box (unlike block elements in CSS).

Supported CSS selectors

The CSS @page selector is partially supported in mPDF with the following properties:

@page  size: 8.5in 11in; /*  | auto | portrait | landscape */ /* 'em' 'ex' and % are not allowed; length values are width height */ margin: 10%; /* */ /*(% of page-box width for LR, of height for TB) */ margin-header: 5mm; /* */ margin-footer: 5mm; /* */ marks: /*crop | cross | none*/ header: html_myHTMLHeaderOdd; footer: html_myHTMLFooterOdd; background: . background-image: . background-position . background-repeat . background-color . background-gradient: . > 


All properties except size are optional.

Three values for the $size property set the page box to the same size as the sheet:

The header and footer names refer to named headers/footers set in your document.

NB The prefix html_ used before the name is used to denote a header/footer defined as HTML code.

If a header/Footer name is set as _blank (or any name that hasn’t been defined) it will turn off Headers/Footers.

Crop marks indicate where the page should be cut. Cross marks (also known as register marks or registration marks) are used to align sheets.

If you have defined @page <> in the CSS, then the values for the margins will override the ones set calling a new \Mpdf\Mpdf() .

IMPORTANT - if you define a @page <> but don’t specifiy margins, they will be set to the initial margin values of mPDF.

If you set a page(-box) smaller than the sheet size, the margins are increased by the difference between the page-box and sheet size - automatically centering the page-box inside the sheet.

If you change page-box orientation, the sheet orientation will follow.

Note that block-style elements - and any styling associated with it - will be terminated at a page-break.


CSS pseudo-selectors :left , :right and :first are recognised by mPDF and support the same properties as @page except:


@page :right  margin-top: 3cm; margin-bottom: 4cm; header: html_myHeader; > 

Pseudo-selectors for page can change top, bottom, header and footer margins, but not left and right margins. mPDF can only cope with one set of (optionally mirrored) left/right margins.

Properties specified in a :first @page rule override those specified in :right (or :left ) @page rules for the first page only

Named @page selectors

Named pages are also supported e.g.:

@page rotated  size: landscape; > 

You can then refer to the named page in other CSS style sheets:

div.onitsside  page: rotated; page-break-before: right; > 

will thus start a new right/odd page which will be in landscape.

Setting a named page

You can also set the page using parameters in:


The CSS property page-break-before is useful in conjunction with a named page definition.

So, for example, page-break-before: right is equivalent of AddPage(. 'NEXT-ODD'. )

Example using Headers and Footers

?php $mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf(); $mpdf->useOddEven = 1; $html = '   @page  size: auto; odd-header-name: html_myHeader1; even-header-name: html_myHeader2; odd-footer-name: html_myFooter1; even-footer-name: html_myFooter2; > @page chapter2  odd-header-name: html_Chapter2HeaderOdd; even-header-name: html_Chapter2HeaderEven; odd-footer-name: html_Chapter2FooterOdd; even-footer-name: html_Chapter2FooterEven; > @page noheader  odd-header-name: _blank; even-header-name: _blank; odd-footer-name: _blank; even-footer-name: _blank; > div.chapter2  page-break-before: right; page: chapter2; > div.noheader  page-break-before: right; page: noheader; >    name="myHeader1" style="display:none">  style="text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt;"> My document   name="myHeader2" style="display:none">  style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt;"> My document   name="myFooter1" style="display:none">  width="100%">  width="33%">  style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">   width="33%" align="center" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"> /  width="33%" style="text-align: right;"> My document     name="myFooter2" style="display:none">  width="100%">  width="33%">My document  width="33%" align="center">/  width="33%" style="text-align: right;">     name="Chapter2HeaderOdd" style="display:none">  style="text-align: right;">Chapter 2   name="Chapter2HeaderEven" style="display:none"> Chapter 2   name="Chapter2FooterOdd" style="display:none">  style="text-align: right;">Chapter 2 Footer   name="Chapter2FooterEven" style="display:none"> Chapter 2 Footer  Hello World  class="chapter2">Text of Chapter 2  class="noheader">No-Header page  '; $mpdf->WriteHTML($html); $mpdf->Output();